
ECI WHIPGENIE Classification Guide

Oct. 10, 2014

Page 1 from ECI WHIPGENIE Classification Guide
TOP TO USA, AUS, CAN, GBR, NATIONAL SECURITY AGENCY CENTRAL SECURITY SERVICE CLASSIFICATION GUIDE FOR ECI WHIPGENIE 02-05 Effective Date: 21 May 2004 Classi?ed by: Deputy Chief of Staff For Operations and Support Reason(s) for Classification: 1.4(c) Declassify on: 20291123 TOP TO USA, AUS, CAN, GBR,
TOP TO USA, AUS, CAN, GBR, NATIONAL SECURITY AGENCY CENTRAL SECURITY SERVICE CLASSIFICATION GUIDE FOR ECI WHIPGENIE 02-05 Effective Date: 21 May 2004 Classi?ed by: Deputy Chief of Staff For Operations and Support Reason(s) for Classification: 1.4(c) Declassify on: 20291123 TOP TO USA, AUS, CAN, GBR,
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TOP TO USA, AUS, CAN, GBR, Change Register Change TOP T0 USA. AUS. CAN GBR, NZUI20291 123
TOP TO USA, AUS, CAN, GBR, Change Register Change TOP T0 USA. AUS. CAN GBR, NZUI20291 123
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TOP TO USA, AUS, CAN, GBR, (U) CLASSIFICATION GUIDE NUMBER: 02-05 (U) PUBLICATION DATE: 21 May 2004 PROJECT ACTIVITY NAME: Special Source Operations, ECI WHIPGENIE (WPG) (U) OFFICE OF ORIGIN: S332 (U) PHONE: ?mum CLASSIFIED (U) DECLASSIFICATION DATE: 20291123 This guide provides classi?cation guidance regarding ECI WHIPGEN IE, which covers Special Source Operations (S332) relationships with US. Corporate Partners under the cover term WHIPGENIE. ECI WHIPGENIE will be the compartmented access that protects information related to this program. 1 .0. (U) Partners: Description of Classification/ Reason Declassification Remarks Information Markings Date 1.1. (U) The term UNCLASSIFIED WHIPGEN IE or trigraph WPG when standing alone. 1.2. The term UN WHIPGEN IE or the FOR OFFICIAL USE trigraph WPG in ONLY association with ECI, SA, SIGINT or intelligence 1.3. The fact that 1.4(c) 20291123 WHIPGENIE is associated COMINT with SIGINT collection. 1.4. The fact that 1.4(c) 20291123 WHIPGENIE is associated COMINT with unconventional or special source collection. 1.5. The fact UN that NSA and Corporate FOR OFFICIAL USE Partners are involved in ONLY SIGINT ?cooperative efforts.? 1.6. The fact that 1.4(c) 20291123 TOP TO USA, AUS, CAN, GBR,
TOP TO USA, AUS, CAN, GBR, (U) CLASSIFICATION GUIDE NUMBER: 02-05 (U) PUBLICATION DATE: 21 May 2004 PROJECT ACTIVITY NAME: Special Source Operations, ECI WHIPGENIE (WPG) (U) OFFICE OF ORIGIN: S332 (U) PHONE: ?mum CLASSIFIED (U) DECLASSIFICATION DATE: 20291123 This guide provides classi?cation guidance regarding ECI WHIPGEN IE, which covers Special Source Operations (S332) relationships with US. Corporate Partners under the cover term WHIPGENIE. ECI WHIPGENIE will be the compartmented access that protects information related to this program. 1 .0. (U) Partners: Description of Classification/ Reason Declassification Remarks Information Markings Date 1.1. (U) The term UNCLASSIFIED WHIPGEN IE or trigraph WPG when standing alone. 1.2. The term UN WHIPGEN IE or the FOR OFFICIAL USE trigraph WPG in ONLY association with ECI, SA, SIGINT or intelligence 1.3. The fact that 1.4(c) 20291123 WHIPGENIE is associated COMINT with SIGINT collection. 1.4. The fact that 1.4(c) 20291123 WHIPGENIE is associated COMINT with unconventional or special source collection. 1.5. The fact UN that NSA and Corporate FOR OFFICIAL USE Partners are involved in ONLY SIGINT ?cooperative efforts.? 1.6. The fact that 1.4(c) 20291123 TOP TO USA, AUS, CAN, GBR,
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TOP SECRET T0 USA. AUS, CAN, GBR, SA and Corporate Partners are involved in 81615? "cooperative efforts" with reference to WHIPGENIE 1.7. The fact that SA and a unnamed Corporate Partner are involved in a ?cooperative effort" against cable collection to include domestic wire access collection. TOP COMINT $291123 The fact that it is cable collection makes it TOP 1.8. (8151) Association of WHIPGENIE partnership cover terms with specific corporate partners. TOP WPGIINOPORN 1 $291123 Example: (Partnership cover term) company A (speci?c corporate partner) 1.9. NSA E131 WHIPGENIE Court Order documents containing names of corporations TOP 1 $291123 1.10 The fact that F131 provides assistance with compelled and cooperative partnerships associated with WHIPGENIE. TOP COMINT $291123 1.1 1. Details of assistance with compelled and cooperative 'ps associated with WHIPGENIE TOP COMIXT-ECI WPG 1} $291123 2.0. (U) Site locations: Description of Information Classi?cation! Marking Deelnsi?cation Date Remarks 2.1. (leSl) Information that reveals in any way the location of facilities that provide WHIPGENIE access and/or collection in macro (Le. continent) terrm $291123 Examples: FAIRVIEW has a European Collection Site. STORMBREW is active in the Middle East. 22. Information that reveals in any way the location of facilities that provides WHIPGENIE access andlor collection in micro (ie. country or Mona] country) terms TOP COMINT $291123 TOP TO USA. AUS. CAN. GBR. NZLUZ0291 123
TOP SECRET T0 USA. AUS, CAN, GBR, SA and Corporate Partners are involved in 81615? "cooperative efforts" with reference to WHIPGENIE 1.7. The fact that SA and a unnamed Corporate Partner are involved in a ?cooperative effort" against cable collection to include domestic wire access collection. TOP COMINT $291123 The fact that it is cable collection makes it TOP 1.8. (8151) Association of WHIPGENIE partnership cover terms with specific corporate partners. TOP WPGIINOPORN 1 $291123 Example: (Partnership cover term) company A (speci?c corporate partner) 1.9. NSA E131 WHIPGENIE Court Order documents containing names of corporations TOP 1 $291123 1.10 The fact that F131 provides assistance with compelled and cooperative partnerships associated with WHIPGENIE. TOP COMINT $291123 1.1 1. Details of assistance with compelled and cooperative 'ps associated with WHIPGENIE TOP COMIXT-ECI WPG 1} $291123 2.0. (U) Site locations: Description of Information Classi?cation! Marking Deelnsi?cation Date Remarks 2.1. (leSl) Information that reveals in any way the location of facilities that provide WHIPGENIE access and/or collection in macro (Le. continent) terrm $291123 Examples: FAIRVIEW has a European Collection Site. STORMBREW is active in the Middle East. 22. Information that reveals in any way the location of facilities that provides WHIPGENIE access andlor collection in micro (ie. country or Mona] country) terms TOP COMINT $291123 TOP TO USA. AUS. CAN. GBR. NZLUZ0291 123
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TOP SECRET TO USA. AUS. CAN GBR, 2.3. lnforrnation TOP 1.4(c) 20291123 (TSJISI) Examples: that reveals in any way the COMINT-ECI Street address of address of facilities that BLARNEY Covert provide WHIPGENIE Sites would be access andfor collection by classi?ed a specific entity WPGIINF 3.0. (U) Techmques: Description of Classi?cation] Reason Declassification Remarks Information Markings Date (CIISI) Association of TOP I 20291123 (TSIISI) Examples: WHIPGENIE or associated Cable Taps coverterms with specific Switch Operations unconventional collection methods and techniques 3.2. Information TOP I 20291123 (TSIISI) Examples: which reveals the scope of COMINT WHIPGENIE WHIPGENIE collection programs collect against various methods of plaintext md communication mociated at a minimum facsimile. with cable collection. printer and voice. transmitted over cable. 3.3. Identification of 1.4(c) 20291123 Examples: speci?c methods. POWERPLANT. techniques and devices used to select. ?lter and at a minimum DNR call selection. process WHIPGENIE Router lP Selection t_arget communications 3.4. 20291 123 Information that reveals the cost of individual items in association with the WHIPGENIE programs 35. 1.4(c) 20291123 Examples: Information that reveals the WHIPGENIE technical characteristics of programs include the any individual items of IO funded by me ?115m WHIPGESIE programs systems in W04. including size. capabilities and functions 4.0. (U) Targets and Collected Data: Description of Classi?cation] Reason Declassifieation Remarks Information Markings Date Raw 1.4(c) 20291123 WHIPGENIE intercept TOP TO USA. ALIS. CAN . GBR. 123
TOP SECRET TO USA. AUS. CAN GBR, 2.3. lnforrnation TOP 1.4(c) 20291123 (TSJISI) Examples: that reveals in any way the COMINT-ECI Street address of address of facilities that BLARNEY Covert provide WHIPGENIE Sites would be access andfor collection by classi?ed a specific entity WPGIINF 3.0. (U) Techmques: Description of Classi?cation] Reason Declassification Remarks Information Markings Date (CIISI) Association of TOP I 20291123 (TSIISI) Examples: WHIPGENIE or associated Cable Taps coverterms with specific Switch Operations unconventional collection methods and techniques 3.2. Information TOP I 20291123 (TSIISI) Examples: which reveals the scope of COMINT WHIPGENIE WHIPGENIE collection programs collect against various methods of plaintext md communication mociated at a minimum facsimile. with cable collection. printer and voice. transmitted over cable. 3.3. Identification of 1.4(c) 20291123 Examples: speci?c methods. POWERPLANT. techniques and devices used to select. ?lter and at a minimum DNR call selection. process WHIPGENIE Router lP Selection t_arget communications 3.4. 20291 123 Information that reveals the cost of individual items in association with the WHIPGENIE programs 35. 1.4(c) 20291123 Examples: Information that reveals the WHIPGENIE technical characteristics of programs include the any individual items of IO funded by me ?115m WHIPGESIE programs systems in W04. including size. capabilities and functions 4.0. (U) Targets and Collected Data: Description of Classi?cation] Reason Declassifieation Remarks Information Markings Date Raw 1.4(c) 20291123 WHIPGENIE intercept TOP TO USA. ALIS. CAN . GBR. 123
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TOP TO USA. AUS. CAN, GBR, 123 alone. exclusive of data described in 42 4.2. Raw Foreign TOP l.4(c) X1291 123 (Fact of Intelligence Surveillance l-?lSA association Act (PISA) warranted REL with El collection. or is mociated Refer to with WHIPGENIE RAGTIME programs classi?cation guide for further details. REL to be determined on a case-by-case basis. 4.3. Processed l.4(c) 2029l123 WHIPGENIE traf?c. such as a verbatim transcript or gisted traf?c which does a: a minimum not disclose speci?c methods or techniques. and exclusive of traf?c described in 4.4 4.4. Processed l.4(c) 20291123 WHIPGENIE traf?c. derived from warranted traf?c. such as a a: a mininuim verbatim transcript or gisted traf?c which does not disclose speci?c methods or techniques 4.5. Unminimized l.4(c) 20291123 processed PISA warranted traf?c such in a serbatim u'amcript or gisted traf?c. that does not disclose a: a minimum speci?c methods or techniques 4.6. Minimiaed l.4(c) 20291123 processed PISA warranted traf?c such 8 a verbatim uansaipt or gisted traf?c at a minimum that does not disclose speci?c methods or techniques 4.7. l.4(c) 2029! 123 Target product derived from offices may add WHIPGENIE or caveats collection a: a mininutm NOFORN. ORCON . etc.) if the intelligence product itself warrants such protection. 4.8. Information l.4(c) 20291123 used to evaluate the Examples: qumtity andlor value of PLUS TOP TO USA. AUS. CAN. GBR. 123
TOP TO USA. AUS. CAN, GBR, 123 alone. exclusive of data described in 42 4.2. Raw Foreign TOP l.4(c) X1291 123 (Fact of Intelligence Surveillance l-?lSA association Act (PISA) warranted REL with El collection. or is mociated Refer to with WHIPGENIE RAGTIME programs classi?cation guide for further details. REL to be determined on a case-by-case basis. 4.3. Processed l.4(c) 2029l123 WHIPGENIE traf?c. such as a verbatim transcript or gisted traf?c which does a: a minimum not disclose speci?c methods or techniques. and exclusive of traf?c described in 4.4 4.4. Processed l.4(c) 20291123 WHIPGENIE traf?c. derived from warranted traf?c. such as a a: a mininuim verbatim transcript or gisted traf?c which does not disclose speci?c methods or techniques 4.5. Unminimized l.4(c) 20291123 processed PISA warranted traf?c such in a serbatim u'amcript or gisted traf?c. that does not disclose a: a minimum speci?c methods or techniques 4.6. Minimiaed l.4(c) 20291123 processed PISA warranted traf?c such 8 a verbatim uansaipt or gisted traf?c at a minimum that does not disclose speci?c methods or techniques 4.7. l.4(c) 2029! 123 Target product derived from offices may add WHIPGENIE or caveats collection a: a mininutm NOFORN. ORCON . etc.) if the intelligence product itself warrants such protection. 4.8. Information l.4(c) 20291123 used to evaluate the Examples: qumtity andlor value of PLUS TOP TO USA. AUS. CAN. GBR. 123
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TOP TO USA. AUS. CAN, GBR, WHIPGENIE collection at a minimum YELLOWSTONE based on product Target of?ces may add caveats NOFORN . ORCOS . etc.) if the information addressed here warrants such protection. 4.9. (T SIISI) Information TOP 1.4(c) 20291123 Examples: that reveals speci?c HSA COMLVT Speci?c Phone wuranted targets Numbers; speci?c associated with E-Mail addresses; WHIPGENIE programs. at a minimum Agents of Foreign Powers: NGO Headquarters. 4.10. Survey TOP 1.4(c) 2029l123 information from Corporate Partners that reveals the partner's identity associated with WHIPGENIE programs. 0 5.0. (U) Collection Authority: Description of Classi?cation] Reason Declassi?cation Remarks Information Markings Date 5.1. (T SIISI) The fact that TOP I 2029l 123 WHIPGENIE Programs are COMINT involved in domestic wire access or the HSA collection 5.2. (TSIISI) The fact that TOP 20291 123 WHIPGENIE Programs are involved in the collection of US transiting communications TOP SECRETUCOMINTHREL T0 USA. AUS. CAN. GBR. NZUQ0291 123
TOP TO USA. AUS. CAN, GBR, WHIPGENIE collection at a minimum YELLOWSTONE based on product Target of?ces may add caveats NOFORN . ORCOS . etc.) if the information addressed here warrants such protection. 4.9. (T SIISI) Information TOP 1.4(c) 20291123 Examples: that reveals speci?c HSA COMLVT Speci?c Phone wuranted targets Numbers; speci?c associated with E-Mail addresses; WHIPGENIE programs. at a minimum Agents of Foreign Powers: NGO Headquarters. 4.10. Survey TOP 1.4(c) 2029l123 information from Corporate Partners that reveals the partner's identity associated with WHIPGENIE programs. 0 5.0. (U) Collection Authority: Description of Classi?cation] Reason Declassi?cation Remarks Information Markings Date 5.1. (T SIISI) The fact that TOP I 2029l 123 WHIPGENIE Programs are COMINT involved in domestic wire access or the HSA collection 5.2. (TSIISI) The fact that TOP 20291 123 WHIPGENIE Programs are involved in the collection of US transiting communications TOP SECRETUCOMINTHREL T0 USA. AUS. CAN. GBR. NZUQ0291 123